Monday, April 13, 2009

Throw Analysis

This week has been a stressful week for darts. When i came back from the Riveria tournament, i realized that because i was throwing my darts harder than usual. Monday was brainwashing day because i had to adjust my mind to control the strength i have in my hand. I could throw properly and it was frustrating. Wednesday though was a bit better but was feeling like i was developing a jam and true enough on Thursday, there was signs of me not releasing the dart as i usually do. Its scares me to know that i might be developing dartitis again.

Take a look at the video in my previous entry.

The jam happens when its near my eye. Its not the normal flow you can see in the video. In fact i didn't realize until just now that in the video that my throw doesn't look smooth enough. It holds a while longer near my eye where the jam is forming. So naturally that is the point of dartitis and it looks like that is what ill be working on for a while.

Will update with a video once problem is rectified. Hopefully it is.

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